About US

As the founder of DP Gadget Services, Eric Yeong, spent years working in the film industry. Back in the time before digital cameras were used on sets for shooting professional media projects, Eric struggled to gain access to the right equipment for additional days of shooting. Camera and filming equipment rental back then did not allow for extra days rentals and only at a fixed period. Throughout his career, he has managed to collect and purchase euipment of his own as film shooting slowly adapted to using digital still cameras like the “DSLR” Canon 5D MK2 – the first full frame still camera capable of shooting in HD.
Eric Yeong, an avid cameraman and cinematographer, started collecting camera equipment throughout his career, constantly adding cameras, lenses and support equipment to his repertoire. Understanding that there is a need for a flexible, affordable and customizable equipment rental demand, DP Gadget Services was founded in 2018 where Eric shares his equipment with individuals who are in search of using professional equipment and gear for film productions. Today, Eric not only shares his equipment but also his knowledge and experience in the industry with a camera crew ready to support any film production.